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01 April 2024


This approximately 90-minute route passes through the medieval-renaissance part of the castle, the most beautiful castle halls (including baroque salons), WWII era rooms and restored rooms of the 3rd floor. Possibility to purchase a ticket extended with the stables and the spa (Szczawno-Jedlina Health Resort).

Książ by night tour

Attention! This tour takes place with a polish guide. A 90-minute special service mainly for adults. Visit take place after dark on a special route that runs through rooms unavailable during standard tours. During your adventure you will be assisted by castle wraiths. The program of each edition includes many surprising attractions, such as the screening of a scary film in the former Hochberg cinema. All this is additionally enriched with terrifying legends related to Książ.

Castle Książ Terraces

Sightseeing includes 10 terraces designed in various styles. (without a guide)

Mauzoleum Hochbergów

Zwiedzanie Mauzoleum Hochbergów odbywa się bez przewodnika i trwa ok. 15 minut. Obiekt znajduje się w parku, ok. 700 m od zamku i ok. 250 m od Parkingu Głównego. Wnętrze mauzoleum zdobią bogate dekoracje oraz freski F.A. Schefflera prezentujące Książ z 4 stron świata. Podczas zwiedzania można zejść do podziemnej krypty doświetlonej przez 9 świetlików.

Easter Tables of the Hochbergs - family-friendly tou

The Easter Tables of the Hochbergs with polish speaking guide is a service designed for families with children, lasting approximately 90 minutes, during which Easter egg hunts, fairy-tale tours, and games introducing historical Hochberg activities during this period are provided. Dates: every weekend in March and April 1st. Group entries: 12:00 and 14:00


A non-commercial photo session in the palm house. It allows entrance for up to 4 people. Payment of the session fee does not entitle you to enter the castle. Please be advised that the castle interiors have been excluded from non-commercial photo sessions. If you are interested in a commercial session in the castle / palm house / on the terraces, please contact the Marketing Department:, phone 74 66 43 827 (inquiries are priced individually).


A non-commercial photo session on the terraces. It allows entrance for up to 4 people. The Chestnut Terrace, where the cafe is located, is excluded from the possibility of taking photos. Payment of the session fee does not entitle you to enter the castle. Please be advised that the castle interiors have been excluded from non-commercial photo sessions. If you are interested in a commercial session in the castle / palm house / on the terraces, please contact the Marketing Department:, phone 74. 66 43 827 (inquiries are priced individually). Attention! Currently, renovation works are underway on the terraces. Therefore, some of them have safety barriers.